About Rabbit Vibrators
Rabbit vibrators specifically cater to the sexual needs of women. Their design is such that women find their use not only in solo sexual stimulation but also with their partners. Rabbit vibrators enhance lovemaking experience between couples.
Rabbit vibrators are quite popular among women. Manufacturers of rabbit vibrators have come up with different versions but some of the features have been the same. You may sometimes find changes in colour. Rabbit vibrators usually have a rotating or gyrating head. It is observed that many rabbit vibrators can rotate both ways and you can easily control the speed. The head resembles the shape of a penis, which gives a natural feeling and sometimes has a curved end to meet the goals of reaching G spot.
Many rabbit vibrators have small plastic or metal beads in the shaft, which vibrate or rotate at varying speeds to give you controlled sexual pleasure. These beads can give you a heightened sensation of an orgasm. You can experience extra sensations when the muscles of the vaginal wall contract around vibrating or rotating beads during an orgasm. One of the attributes of popularity of rabbit vibrators are these beads.